Bush Derangement Syndrome

"Bush Derangement Syndrome" ("BDS") is a pejorative political neologism coined by Charles Krauthammer, an American conservative political columnist and former psychiatrist,[1] in a 2003 column. The term has been used in newspaper columns and editorials, on talk radio, by commentators in the mainstream press, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Fox News Channel, and in the blogosphere.

In 2008, derived terms such as "Palin Derangement Syndrome" and "Obama Derangement Syndrome" came into use.


Meaning of term

Krauthammer defined Bush Derangement Syndrome as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush".[2][3] While Krauthammer's column was somewhat tongue-in-cheek (e.g., "What is worrying epidemiologists about the Dean incident, however, is that heretofore no case had been reported in Vermont, or any other dairy state"), the term indicates a belief that some extreme criticisms of President Bush are of emotional origins rather than based on facts or logic. The term has been widely adopted by other writers in the political arena.[4][5][6]


Variants / spinoffs

See also


  1. ^ "Charles Krauthammer Biography". The Washington Post. 1998. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/opinions/krauthammer.htm. Retrieved July 19, 2011. 
  2. ^ Krauthammer, Charles (December 5, 2003). "The Delusional Dean". The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&contentId=A37125-2003Dec4. Retrieved 2007-10-11. 
  3. ^ Mosely, Brian (2007-09-08). "Putting the blame on Bush". Shelbyville Times-Gazette. http://www.t-g.com/story/1252574.html. Retrieved 2007-09-10. 
  4. ^ Mosely, Brian (2005-12-31). "Culture, Bush-bashing and more". Shelbyville Times-Gazette. http://www.t-g.com/story/1133592.html. Retrieved 2007-09-10. 
  5. ^ Gibson, John (2007-01-16). "Bush Haters' 'Derangement Syndrome'". Fox News. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,244028,00.html. Retrieved 2007-09-10. 
  6. ^ "FISA and Bush Derangement Syndrome". editorial (Washington Times). 2007-08-06. http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070806/EDITORIAL/108060002/1013. Retrieved 2007-09-10. 
  7. ^ Haddad, Richard (January 23, 2009). "Bush-hating disorder - A pathology for our time". The Washington Times. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jan/23/bush-hating-disorder/. Retrieved 2009-01-28. 
  8. ^ Michelle Malkin (October 5, 2008). "P.D.S. on NBC’s Sunday Night Football". http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/05/pds-on-nbcs-sunday-night-football/. Retrieved 2008-11-26. 
  9. ^ Matthew Balan (September 26, 2008). "CNN’s Jack Cafferty Exhibiting Palin Derangement Syndrome". NewsBusters. http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-balan/2008/09/26/cnn-s-jack-cafferty-exhibiting-palin-derangement-syndrome. Retrieved 2008-11-26. 
  10. ^ "Sarah Palin Stirs Up Interesting Commentary About Her Book". Fox News. November 17, 2009. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,575493,00.html. 
  11. ^ Glenn Harlan Reynolds (November 4, 2008). "Whoever Wins, Chill A Bit". Forbes. http://www.forbes.com/2008/11/04/hate-presidential-election-oped-cx_ghr_1104opedreynolds.html. Retrieved January 29, 2008. 
  12. ^ Kevin Drum (November 12, 2007). "CDS". The Washington Monthly. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2007_11/012491.php. Retrieved January 29, 2008. 
  13. ^ Michael Isikoff, Uncovering Clinton: a reporter's story, Crown Publishers, 113, 1999.
  14. ^ Philip Weiss, Clinton Crazy, New York Times, February 23, 1997.
  15. ^ Philip Weiss, Hillary's Baggage: A Story From My Former Life as a Clinton-Hater, Mondoweiss blog, May 26, 2006.
  16. ^ Obama Derangement Syndrome. Political Punch. Published November 10, 2008.
  17. ^ Why Hasn't Obama Fixed Everything Yet? By David Knowles. AOL News: Political Machine. Published Jan. 22, 2009.
  18. ^ Get over Obama derangement syndrome. By David Horowitz. The Politico. Published November 8, 2008.
  19. ^ Has Obama Derangement Syndrome Arrived? By Robert Stacy McCain. Pajamas Media. Published January 28, 2009.
  20. ^ June 16, 2008: Headlines - Baracknophobia. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Retrieved May 20, 2009.

External links